Recognition for Support of Summer Camp Programme
October 2016Last week Jackie Cook, Marketing Associate from The work-wise Foundation visited Oracle Precision to present Regan Taylor, Office Adminstrator, with their Employer Supporter certificate for their support. During Summer Camp, Oracle Precision Engineer, Andy Millward attended the employability skills induction session at the University of Sheffield's new Diamond Building to discuss engineering careers, the skills and training needed and what the job involves with the students.
The Summer Camp programme is for 14 to 18 year olds to provide a real taste and experience of the working environment. It includes a 2 day employability skills induction programme designed by employers before the students then experiencing 5 days in the workplace. All Summer Camp graduates are added to the work-wise database guaranteeing job interviews with work-wise supporter employers.
John Barber, co-founder and senior associate at the work-wise Foundation said "This is the 4th Summer Camp work-wise has delivered and it is certainly one of the highlights of our year. The students never cease to amaze us with their enthusiasm and desire to learn and give themselves the best possible opportunities. The Graduation event held at the Cutlers Hall gave us a chance to celebrate some amazing personal achievements and milestones and what is even more rewarding is to see and welcome back some former graduates who are now working in the companies where they had their initial Summer camp placements. "
Janice Richardson from work-wise commented 'Young people who dedicate part of their summer holiday to gain experiential learning about the world of work demonstrate, beyond a shadow of doubt, that they will make excellent employees in the future. This year's Summer Campers have excelled in their commitment. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with these young people, they should be very proud of themselves. A massive thank you to all the local employers like Oracle Precision who volunteer their time and resources to help young people better prepare for the transition into work."