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How Oracle Precision Are Keeping COVID-19 Safe In 2021

May 2021

These last few months have been hard for all, our clients, end-users and staff included. So, here are a few ways in which Oracle Precision have changed to keep our stakeholders safe and well, during these uncertain times. 

In The Factory

Our specialists have been working harder than ever to get each of our products out on time and to the highest of standards. When lockdown first hit, our skilled workforce were understandably cautious over their environment, as were the rest of the Oracle Precision team. So, we made sure to implement strict protocols and policies that make coming to work during a global pandemic a more relaxing affair. 

Sanitising workstations

Our team have been great at sanitising their workstations, desks, phones, equipment and outside materials. We always have anti-viral wipes and gel around the protect our staff and ensure that these are always fully stocked. 

Working with our hands is essential in this industry and, at Oracle Precision, we have installed alcohol hand sanitisers at every opportunity, giving our staff peace of mind and doing our bit to slow the spread of bacteria and viruses within the factory. 


All staff are encouraged to wear face coverings, or visors during their shifts in an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19 particles. Even though our factory floor is spacious, ventilated and open to the outside at all times, we still felt it necessary to ensure staff were overly protected, rather than under-resourced. 

Social distancing

Our factory footprint is large, meaning that we have the space to ensure social distancing measures are in place, at all times. Reducing the number of people on shift and using suggested directions of one-way traffic help to keep the distance between staff above the minimum requirements. 

Temperature checks

Before our team enter the factory or the office for their shifts, we temperature check them on the door. While we recognise that this is not the be-all and end-all of COVID-19 symptoms, it may still enable us to catch any cases that testing has missed, or that have gone unnoticed. 

In The Office

A hub of activity and enthusiasm, we knew that COVID-19 would change our office situation, so we acted fast to implement procedures that would attempt to keep our workforce both safe and productive. 

Remote working

Like many organisations, Oracle Precision has been able to keep some staff members working from home during this time. An office schedule and rotation has meant that the team can socially distance while on-site, reducing the risk of spreading the virus. 

Video meetings

Whether it is Zoom, Skype, Hangouts, or FaceTime, our employees have been able to utilise these platforms to stay in touch with the rest of the team and communicate effectively with our customers. Not only are we keeping our staff safer by employing these measures, but this practice is also effective in reducing our carbon footprint from travelling to and from meetings, saving time and money. 


It has not been an easy time for businesses, but our customers, clients and staff can rest in the knowledge that the Oracle Precision team are doing everything that they can to keep each other and the wider population safe. 

If you would like to learn more about what we do here, at Oracle Precision, get in touch now.

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